❄️ N'Charge Arctic-Melt Solution Pro
N'Charge Arctic-Melt Solution Pro is a versatile and economical liquid ice-melting and dust control solution designed to enhance safety during winter storms and suppress dust in warmer months. It prevents snow and ice from bonding to surfaces, making mechanical clearing more efficient, and is effective in extreme temperatures as low as -60°F. During non-winter months, it controls dust on gravel roads and construction sites by absorbing moisture from the air, helping to maintain clean and productive environments.
⚠ Not Recommended for Use on Aluminum
✅ Features & Benefits
✔ Versatile Functionality – Acts as both an ice-melter and dust suppressant for year-round utility.
✔ Enhanced Snow & Ice Removal – Prevents ice bonding, making removal faster and easier.
✔ Extreme Cold Performance – Works in temperatures as low as -60°F, making it ideal for severe winter conditions.
✔ Dust Suppression – Controls dust in non-winter months by absorbing moisture to keep surfaces stable.
🏢 Use In
✔ Parking Lots & Sidewalks
✔ Construction Sites & Gravel Roads
✔ Driveways & Asphalt Surfaces
✔ Outdoor Conveyors & Stairs
✔ Bridges & Outdoor Elevators
🛠 Properties
✔ Appearance: Aqua-colored liquid
✔ Fragrance: None
✔ pH: 9 - 10
✔ Solubility: Fully soluble in water
🧪 Ingredients
✔ Water (carrier for even distribution)
✔ Calcium Chloride (rapid ice-melting agent effective in extreme cold)
✔ Potassium Chloride (enhances ice-melting efficiency)
✔ Sodium Chloride (improves melting capability and extends surface coverage)
✔ Acid Blue 9 (color indicator for visibility during application)
⚠ Safety
✔ Warning: Causes serious eye irritation.
✔ Always handle with appropriate safety measures.
📌 Directions for Use
✔ Anti-Icer/Pre-Wetter:
- Spray on pavement before precipitation at a rate of ½ gallon per 1,000 square feet.
- Adjust dilution based on specific conditions.
✔ Deicer:
- Apply directly on top of snow and ice.
- For glazed ice, score the surface before application to enhance penetration and prevent runoff.
Recommended usage:
- 1-2 gallons per 1,000 square feet near 32°F for thin ice.
- 3-6 gallons per 1,000 square feet for thicker ice below 10°F.
🚛 Shipping Information
✔ Proper Shipping Name: None
✔ Class: None
✔ ID Number: None
✔ Packing Group: None