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Total Vegetation Control for Non-Cropland Areas
Terra Save Prometon Super Soil Sterilant is a non-selective, total-kill herbicide designed to eliminate all vegetation where plant growth is unwanted. This powerful root-absorbed formula ensures long-lasting control, preventing weed regrowth for an entire growing season under normal conditions. Its emulsifiable nature requires adequate rainfall to move the herbicide into the root zone for maximum effectiveness.
✔ Pipelines
✔ Railroad Rights-of-Way
✔ Fence Rows
✔ Around Buildings
✔ Loading Ramps
✔ Storage Yards
✔ Industrial Sites
✔ Parking Lots
✔ Tank Farms
✔ Total Vegetation Control – Eliminates all plant life, including broadleaf weeds, grasses, and aquatic weeds.
✔ Long-Lasting Residual Action – Prevents weed regrowth for one full growing season.
✔ Ideal for Industrial & Utility Areas – Best for areas where no plant growth is desired.
✔ Root-Absorbed for Maximum Effectiveness – Requires rainfall or irrigation to penetrate the root zone.
✔ Appearance: Reddish-brown liquid
✔ Fragrance: Fuel oil
✔ Concentrate: Yes
✔ Flash Point: 123ºF
✔ Prometon – Powerful, long-lasting soil sterilant
✔ Inert Ingredients – For enhanced application and absorption
• Harmful if absorbed through skin or swallowed.
• Causes moderate eye irritation.
• Avoid contact with skin, eyes, or clothing.
• Always wash hands after handling and before eating, drinking, or smoking.
• Remove and wash contaminated clothing before reuse.
✔ Keep out of reach of children.
✔ General Application: Mix 1 gallon of herbicide with 10 gallons of water and apply over 1,000 sq ft.
✔ Hard-to-Control Weeds (Johnsongrass, Bindweed, Wild Carrot, etc.): Use 1.5 to 1.67 gallons mixed with 10 gallons of water per 1,000 sq ft.
✔ Proper Shipping Name: None
✔ Class: None
✔ ID Number: None
✔ Packing Group: None